
Cover » Schedules

See our services and schedules

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Rest and sleep
Carlos Lopez
09.00 - 14.00

Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Romain Guyot
09.00 - 14.00
Pau, Aitor
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
09.00 - 14.00
Romain, Pau, Aitor
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Romain Guyot
09.00 - 14.00
Pau, Aitor
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
09.00 - 14.00
Romain, Pau
Rest and sleep
Carlos Lopez
09.00 - 14.00

Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Romain Guyot
09.00 - 14.00
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
15.00 - 20.00
Aitor Font
Rest and sleep
Carlos Lopez
15.00 - 20.00

Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Pau Serret
15.00 - 20.00
Aitor Font
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
15.00 - 20.00
Aitor Font
Rest and sleep
Carlos Lopez
15.00 - 20.00

Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Aitor Font
15.00 - 20.00
Pau Serret
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
15.00 - 20.00
Aitor Font


  • Rest and sleep
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Rest and sleep
    15.00 - 20.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Rest and sleep
    15.00 - 20.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Rest and sleep
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Rest and sleep
Carlos Lopez
09.00 - 14.00
Rest and sleep
Carlos Lopez
09.00 - 14.00
Rest and sleep
Carlos Lopez
15.00 - 20.00
Rest and sleep
Carlos Lopez
15.00 - 20.00


  • Rest and sleep
    09.00 - 14.00


  • Rest and sleep
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Rest and sleep
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Rest and sleep
    09.00 - 14.00
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Romain Guyot
09.00 - 14.00
Pau, Aitor
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
09.00 - 14.00
Romain, Pau, Aitor
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Romain Guyot
09.00 - 14.00
Pau, Aitor
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
09.00 - 14.00
Romain, Pau
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Romain Guyot
09.00 - 14.00
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
15.00 - 20.00
Aitor Font
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Pau Serret
15.00 - 20.00
Aitor Font
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
15.00 - 20.00
Aitor Font
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Aitor Font
15.00 - 20.00
Pau Serret
Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
Marc Pineapple
15.00 - 20.00
Aitor Font


  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00


  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation sports
    15.00 - 20.00
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